About the IRC
Welcome! The Instructional Resource Center is a self-service work area for Ashland University students, faculty, and staff. We are the second floor of Archer Library, offering collections, equipment, technology, and resources to the AU community.
Our resources support the teaching programs and curriculum of the Dwight Schar College of Education. Explore our extensive juvenile collection featuring picture books, juvenile fiction and non-fiction, big books, chapter books, graphic novels and young adult fiction and non-fiction. Take time to browse our new books area for titles recently added to the juvenile collection.
IRC circulating collections include K-12 curriculum textbooks, activity books, and materials kits (realia). Our collection is available in AU Library's catalog; tips for locating specific collection items may be found in our Library Guides and IRC FAQs pages.
IRC technology includes computers, scanners, access to a campus print quota printer, and a poster printer. Equipment resources include a sheet and roll laminator, binding, button makers, and Ellison Die Cut Machines with an extensive library of dies.
Interested in what Ellison dies are available? Visit our Pinterest site.
Working in the IRC? A selection of materials & supplies are available for purchase.
Need help? IRC staff are available to help, in-person and online. Use the chat widget on this page.
What's new?The IRC is now on Instagram!
Contact Information
Instructional Resource Center
Archer Library, 2nd Floor
Phone: 419-289-5406
Text: 419-938-4134
Email: irc-aulib@jyycl.com
IRC Hours
Monday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Tuesday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Thursday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday: Online (chat)
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
IRC is closed Tuesday and Thursday from 1 – 2 p.m. for lunch.
IRC hours are subject to change; hours and updates are available on the main library calendar.
Services & Pricing
The Instructional Resource Center is open to Ashland University students, faculty and staff. We provide resources such as laminating, Ellison Machines, color printing, button makers, and binding. Additionally, a small selection of materials and supplies are available on-site for purchase.
Payment for any IRC purchase, including account numbers for department transfer of funds, is required at point-of-sale.
We are unable to accept bills larger than $20 for payment of IRC services.
Binding | 75¢ - Includes cover sheet(s) |
Binding - comb only | 50¢ each |
Bulletin Board Paper | 15¢ per foot - all colors |
Button maker: 1 ⅝ inch button | 20¢ per button, 5¢ per additional plastic cover |
Button maker: 2 ⅓ inch button | 25¢ per button, 5¢ per additional plastic cover |
Button maker: 3 ⅛ inch button | 30¢ per button, 5¢ per additional plastic cover |
Construction paper | 5¢ per sheet |
Ellison Die Cuts- our paper | 1¢ per cut = any of our paper |
Ellison Die Cuts- own paper | Use own paper = free |
Ellison Die Cuts - our poster board | $1 per board = use to cut |
Laminating | $1 per sheet, sheet laminator |
Laminating | $1 per foot, roll-top laminator |
Poster & Tag board | $1 per sheet |
Sentence Strips | 5¢ for two |
Payment for IRC supplies and services is required at time of purchase. The IRC accepts the follow three forms of payment for services and supplies.
- Cash
- Checks made out to Ashland University for exact purchase amount
- Ashland University transfer of funds forms.
The IRC is unable to take your AU Eagle Card or credit / debit cards for payment.
Charging to a University Account?
We will complete a transfer of funds form for your qualified purchase; transfer forms are submitted to the business office at the end of each month.
- Have your account name and number ready.
- Be authorized to complete the transaction.
- A signature is required for any account transfer purchase.
- The IRC does not keep account numbers on file.
Paying by check or cash?
The IRC accepts cash and personal checks for payment.
- We are unable to accept anything larger than a $20 bill.
- Checks must be made out to the exact purchase amount and payable to "Ashland University."
- We will be happy to write a receipt for your purchase, be sure to ask at point of sale.
The IRC has three button sizes to use creating pin buttons 1 ⅝ inch , 2 ⅓ inch in diameter, and 3 ⅛ inch in diameter. Our button makers are Mr. Button bench press machines (manual); each button size has a corresponding assembly die and circle cutter for creating inserts.
About the Button Makers
- The price for each button includes the button shell, button pin (back), and plastic disc cover.
- Users are responsible for providing their own paper inserts.
- Additional plastic disc covers may be purchased as needed at a cost of 5¢ for two discs..
Button Maker Policy
- IRC Button maker supplies MUST be used for all buttons.
- There is a charge for additional plastic disc covers (see above).
- You may make up to ten (10) buttons per visit.
- Users must furnish their own button paper inserts.
- Only COPY PAPER inserts may be used to make buttons.
- Users are responsible for creating their own buttons.
- IRC staff is available to assist with directions as needed.
Button Maker Tips
- Directions are available with button makers in the IRC.
- There are MANY steps involved when making a button. It is not difficult, but the process will take time.
- Button size indicated is the VIEWABLE size of each button. When cutting paper insert to the proper size, the circle will be somewhat larger. Keep this in mind when designing your button insert.
- Circle cutters are available for each button assembly die, be sure to cut the correct size.
- Place paper insert carefully in the button maker assembly die. Image should always be face up in the die.
- When placing the pin back in the button maker, pay attention to how the button pin will open.
Button Maker: Try Me
Not sure if the button maker is right for your project? Give it a try! For 25¢ you get materials for one small button - plus a second plastic disc if a second try with the machine is needed.
The IRC has five Ellison Prestige Pro die cut machines available for use. We have an extensive Ellison Die collection including over 350+ general dies, 19 word dies, 18 border dies, 8 combo dies, and nineteen (19) alphabet fonts in both upper and lower case.;
- Patrons who bring their own paper may use die cut machines with their paper for free.
- ANY use of our paper is a penny per cut.
- Use of our poster board or bulletin board paper requires purchase of board prior to cutting.
- A variety of paper types may be used including construction paper, craft paper, newsprint, and wrapping paper.
- Considering a different paper source? Be sure to ask in the IRC prior to using the machines.
Interested in specifics? Looking for a particular die or alphabet?
A complete listing of our Ellison Die collection is available on the IRC Pinterest page.
There are two types of laminators available for use in the IRC, roll and sheet. IRC staff is available to instruct users on laminating machine usage; drop off service for projects is not provided. IRC staff is not responsible for items users choose to laminate, or the condition of items after lamination.
Roll Laminator
We recommend using the roll laminator for most laminating jobs. It is cost effective ($1 per foot) and facilitates larger jobs quickly.
- Users should be prepared a 15 minute wait while the machine reaches the correct laminating temperature.
- Roll laminating projects will not be started if there is not time to complete the project during regular operating hours.
- It is possible to laminate items that are up to 24 inches in width.
- If you have questions regarding an item to be laminated, ask in the IRC for help.
If you are coming from another on-campus location, feel free to call ahead (x5406) or use Ask the IRC chat to request the laminator be turned on to pre-heat.
Sheet Laminator
Our sheet laminator is ideal for single sheet and smaller jobs; we have laminating film perfect for 8 1/2 x 11 paper.
- Users should be prepared for a 3-5 minute wait while the machine reaches correct laminating temperature.
- Users should be prepared to purchase and use IRC laminating supplies for the desk laminator.
- It is possible to laminate copy paper, construction paper, and card stock.
- Smaller items may be combined within the laminating pouch.
- Items larger than the laminating pouch should be handled by the roll laminator.
- If using the sheet laminator, IRC supplies must be used. We do not accept outside laminating sheets.
Ask the IRC
The Instructional Resource Center provides chat and text service to students, faculty, and staff at Ashland University. Questions? Ask the IRC is staffed by the curriculum librarian and Instructional Resource Center (IRC) student workers.
Why chat?
Sometimes questions arise when you are working online in your dorm, somewhere on campus, or even off campus. Chat provides opportunity to connect with the IRC quickly and easily.
Review the following policy statements as they pertain to Ask the IRC chat and text:
- Ask the IRC can help with questions about Instructional Resource Center collections including children’s books, K-12 curriculum textbooks and activity books, IRC circulating items such as materials kits.
- Ask the IRC will be able to provide basic information about available IRC equipment, laminators and Ellison Machines and die collections, and technology resources.
- Ask the IRC chat requests users provide a name to begin a chat session; nicknames may be used and anonymous chat sessions are available. When anonymous, users will be given a general “Guest” distinction during the chat session.
- Ask the IRC can help with general library reference questions. If the question involves research, including database searching and ILL, users may be directed to make an appointment with an AU Librarian.
- Ask the IRC will not conduct research for users. We will try to provide suggestions to begin the process directing users to databases, LibGuides, AU Library and IRC FAQs pages, and the AU Library and IRC web site.
- Ask the IRC can help with general library questions. If the inquiry involves circulation or reserves, users may be directed to the main library information desk.
- Ask the IRC is not able to renew books, recall or retrieve library materials, or place OhioLINK requests. We will be able to direct users (phone, email, reference forms) to library faculty and staff that will be able to help.
- Ask the IRC chat transcripts are available at the end of every session, users will need to provide a valid email address to receive the transcript.
Ashland University students using Ask the IRC chat are expected to adhere to Ashland University Student Conduct guidelines detailed in the student handbook.
Ask the IRC chat will not tolerate inappropriate behavior including, but not limited to, actions that are threatening, obscene, objectionable, bullying, or illegal. Chats deemed inappropriate will be immediately terminated by the chat operator. Any failure to comply with this policy may result in users being blocked from chat.
Ask the IRC reserves the right to not answer questions that do not follow our policy guidelines.
During scheduled chat hours, the chat widget will automatically slide open after 30 seconds on the page. Choose to begin a chat session, or indicate 'no thanks.'
You may click the Questions? Ask the IRC tab at any time to open the chat widget and begin a session. Enter your name, type in your question, and send. It's that easy.
A chat widget is available on this page and embedded in select LibGuides and IRC FAQs.
Yes. Our chat widget will work on your mobile device.
Text the IRC at 419-938-4134 - standard messaging rates will apply.
Text questions will be answered during regular Ask the IRC hours. Text inquiries sent after scheduled hours will be answered the following business day.
No. Text questions are handled through our chat platform, we do not have access to your phone number. We are able to view if multiple queries originate from the same source.